
Health Warning

In the past two days countless articles have surfaced on the subject of the proposed French "health warning" which would appear on digitally altered adverts, billboards etc. The label would read retouched photograph aimed at changing person's physical appearance. I've read about four articles and have decided that I am for it. Not for the same reasons as Valérie Boyer but I think it would be interesting to know how many images in fashion magazines are real. In defense of artistic rite, I understand that part of the art of photography is creating an image, as opposed to merely capturing one, but I'm curious individual and would like to know more about what I consume.

This article raises the point that anorexia and every other eating disorder are not statistically caused by looking at ads and wanting to be that girl/guy and honestly, I am not that interested in eating disorders. I'm not insensitive to people suffering from them but I am generally uninterested in them. I am, however, very interested in fashion magazines. I am one of those people who reads/flips through 10 kilos of fashion magazines each month. Thus, knowing more about their content is only a plus in my eyes.

Gay Town = Sapporo

It all started with the release of a million colorful balloons...


In Japan any man who looks masculine is gay. Everything is the opposite here. The ones with the Louis Vuitton bags are straight.

The one I can read (the yellow one) says, " We're here"...maybe the purple sign says "And we're queer"


Déjà il fait froid

So this weekend I plan on doing some serious shopping. Like any good shopper I've been researching and here are some of my favorite looks for fall. There are no shoes because I'm tall and I live in Japan so what's the point. However, I'm embracing the local fashion and trying to get a new wallet. Preferably, a quirky Comme des Garçons wallet. Why doesn't Comme des Garçons have a website. I guess I'll have to wait until Saturday.


Ode to the Onsen

So far so good. My 25th year on Earth is going well. The Sartorialist book finally came today so I finally get a chance to see what everyone in the fashion world has been talking about...ciao


I woke up today in a very simple way

I spent two hours looking for lingerie and nothing cut my eye except this. I know Princesse Tam Tam is not the best of quality but this I love. I wonder why it's part of the automne/hiver collection. I've lived in France and that is not something une françaises would wear in the winter. Maybe I'm just bitter because my new home is so cold and it is only September. California, oh how I long for thy warm winters.


The lash for me

The first time I saw these at Colette I really wanted them. A girl who worked in the shop was wearing them and I felt like she was taunting me. I decided before I went into Colette that I wasn't going to buy anything because I was moving to Madrid in a few days and already had way too much stuff. I didn't get and didn't regret it until last month when I was them in Sapporo. I went to the Shu Uemura shop in search of skin care products and there they were. "They are perfect, I want them," I thought. But I realize that nearly 3 years later they weren't any cheaper. I love them and I wonder...are they worth it? Usually I justify expensive items with, "they'll last forever" or "quality over quantity" but when something can only be used a maximum of four times it's hard to decide. To splurge or to squander that is the question
