
laying down the law

Before today, I don't think I knew that that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) existed. Did you? Either way, I'm delighted to learn that the FTC will soon modify its endorsement regulations so they extend to bloggers and other online preachers. Next month, bloggers will have to state whether they are in some way endorsed as well as give accurate reviews that reflect their views and not those of an endorser. Those who do not adhere to FTC regulations will be subject to fine...and rightfully so! Read the FTC guidelines if you have some time to kill they are extensive and interesting. I skimmed it and decided that as a consumer, I'm elated! I hate being deceived and/or mislead by reviews. I just wonder what the FTC will do with the revenue it gets from fines...

1 comment:

  1. sartorialist is coming to barcelona. in three weeks
